Wisteria Kennels Puppy Application
If you are interested in a puppy from Wisteria Kennels please fill out puppy inquiry form as a way of introducing yourself to us, giving us information about you before we contact you by telephone.
Our first priority is that our puppies live in a safe and happy environment with people that love them.
We try our best to place puppies only in the most loving and responsible of homes and this inquiry form helps us in that process.
Our puppies are always taken back if they need to be re-homed- or to homes that we have approved who are willing to sign and honor our puppy care contract.
Puppies placed as (companion) will be spayed or neutered and are placed with limited registration. A limited registration only limits the dog from conformation events and breeding.
Wisteria Kennels requires that you start puppy obedient classes with a trainer and if you are unable to find a suitable trainer then at a monthly fee Wisteria Kennels will train puppy for you. We strive for well rounded adult dogs.
1. Your name and the names of any other adults in your household, If you have children how many and ages?
2. Do you own or rent your home?
3.Your street address and contact telephone numbers w/best time of day to call
4. List Your Email Addresses Social Media Accounts and your website if you have one
5. How long have you lived at this address? If less than two years, list previous address
6. Name and contact information for your veterinarian - (even if you currently have no pets list the vet you have used in the past if there was a time when you did have pets.)
7. Have you ever owned a Bulldog before? If so from who did you purchase your Bulldog from and when? tell us about him or her. How many years have you owned Bulldogs?
8. Do you have any other dogs and if so, what breeds and ages, neutered or spayed or if not, why not.
9. Does your schedule allow for adequate time to care for and exercise a bulldog?
10. Why do you want a Bulldog? Do you want a Stud Breeder puppy with show potential, ADA or do you want strictly a companion dog? (Our Stud Breeder show potential puppies are sold on co-ownerships to prevent irresponsible breeding or change of ownership. All companion puppies are placed on a limited registration and must be spayed or neutered.)
11. What are your goals and expectations for the puppy whether it be for show potential, ADA or as a family companion?
Also, do you feel financially prepared for the care of a Bulldog?
12. Where would the puppy spend his or her time days/nights? Inside or outside?
13. Is someone home during the day at your house? Please describe the living situation for the puppy. How many hours daily would the dog be left alone? If no one is at home during the days would you plan for someone to come into your home to let the puppy in and out during the potty training stage? (A Doggy daycare if run properly, can be an excellent choice for working new puppy parents as well.)
14. Is there a particular sex and/or color of puppy preferred?
15. Do all family members agree on the new addition to your family? If no please explain why and who.
16. Has anyone in the household where the puppy would live ever had issues with dogs? If yes, please explain.
17. Who would care for this dog should you become incapacitated, temporarily or permanently?
18. How will you be house breaking this puppy?
19. You do know Bulldogs live past ten years of age . Are you willing to take responsibility for this dog 10+ years?
20. Have you ever returned a dog to a breeder? If Yes Why?
21. Bulldogs need a lot of socialization are you capable of providing for these needs?
22. Please list THREE personal references (if you already have a veterinarian you can count this as one) with their addresses, phone numbers and email addresses. We need to know what your relationship is to the references and how long they have known you. These personal references will be contacted.
23. Do you have any specific questions or comments ?
If you have a specific puppy in mind and you would like to reserve that puppy, a n0n refundable deposit of $500 will be required to hold that puppy.
Without a deposit all puppies will be available and could be sold at anytime. WE DO NOT HOLD WITHOUT A DEPOSIT.
If puppy is 8 weeks or older, he/she will be able to go to his/her new home and final payment must be made at pickup or within 3 days of shipping .
Forms of payment we accept for DEPOSIT-
* PayPal thru friends and family ONLY - My PayPal address is (dana.wardlow@yahoo.com)
* Cash app
* Walmart to Walmart Money Order
* Bank Wire
When picking puppies up in person WE ONLY ACCEPT CASH
We will call you to visit on the telephone after receipt of this application.
Please be patient, a new litter of puppies absolutely consumes our time and time for telephoning is scarce, But we will get to you as soon as we can.
Thank you for your inquiry and for your patience.
Thank you,
Dana Wardlow
PLEASE COPY AND PLACE THIS IN EMAIL TO FILL OUT, AS I AM HAVING PROBLEMS WITH THE AUTO FILL . Click on my email address to link - wisteriakennels.com